New Tennis Cheering Section!

New Adirondack chairs to be installed on top of the hill overlooking the tennis courts. We need to have 10 chairs sponsored by families for $400 each. Cost of total installation is expected to be $2,000. The remaining money will be split between the tennis team account and Boosters. Open to men’s & women’s teams. Families can also “team-up” and split the cost. These will not be reserved seats for matches, but they will continue to cheer on our teams! Tennis team members will paint the chairs purple. Parents can bring their own umbrellas and place them in the holders in the ground.

Tennis Adirondack Chair

New, natural wood Adirondack chair to be installed in Aug/Sept 2024. Tennis team members will paint the chairs purple and letters will then be painted on the chairs. Please let us know how the Sponsor Plate should read.

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